Driving Capital

Active Operations – Using Capital and Securing Rights

Our Offices are dedicated to identifying and executing upon opportunities for active investment in public and private entities, developments and projects thru contributing and sharing intellectual capital, relational capital and know-how for individuals, families and new or existing businesses.  We utilize qualitative analyses, logic and reasoning within active, principal-based development and management in real estate, energy and general business. We also offer our professional services in law and business advisory to create customized, innovative legal, business, and planning solutions leading to opportunities.

From Real Estate to Renewable Energy and from Law to Business, we identify, create and secure individual and entity rights in tangible and intangible assets by infusing business, operations and finance with the practice of law and deployment of contracts to realize and monetize various terms and conditions.

In addition, our hands-on investments in Real Estate and Renewable Energy dovetail synergistically through our design-build-operate models for structure and execution. Often times, this is accomplished by co-investment and sharing of various forms of capital, both intellectual and relational. We deploy new business methods and business formations such as joint ventures to bring projects and investments to life and for increased value for all participants. We deliver original, tailor-made solutions for companies and individuals to share in opportunities as asset owners, investors and joint venturers so that all participants become better thru this merger of our practice fields of law, business, operations and management applied to real estate and renewable energy developments, construction, manufacturing, software and various technologies.

Within the world of articulating, creating and securing rights in Renewable Energy Development thru PPA’s and Off-Taker Agremmets, we also use finance coupled with ITC and PTC Transferable Tax Credits to drive the creation of Solar Energy Projects both standalone and attached to our real estate development projects as Developer and Syndicator. Our infusion of additional novel renewable energy components fused with the physicality of the construction of development projects is brought to life by a unique, qualitative operational know-how to deliver innovative solutions to bolster and transform all our developments and projects.

The true worth of each development project is coupled with intangible assets that are first identified, then examined, so as to unearth previously under-utilized, un-utilized or un-discovered products, services and the human talent of individuals to create new opportunities to challenge existing paradigms. We seek individuals, developments, joint venturers, businesses and projects which allow for the articulation of just rights with mutually beneficial terms and conditions for All who are ready, willing and able to allow for the infusion of knowledge and know-how applied thru critical thinking, caring and creativity coupled with injections of strong intellectual capital and relational capital.  A Culture is thus borne that leads directly to true innovation and opportunities leading to real value creation for All.

We are focused upon strategic and operational opportunities to drive and build a more resilient future thru combinations of system-based models, methods and methodologies in the creation of developments in real estate and renewable energy to build strong projects via operations independent of many of today’s challenges.

For over 100 years, we have engaged as a Principal, Developer and Investor in real estate, development, acquisitions, sales, construction, management, procurement and finance in the areas of residential, commercial, land, multi-unit, and now renewables, by identifying and purchasing under-valued properties, serving in construction management and procurement for development, by properly aligning cost of labor and materials with quality and solid relationship and contracts to produce brand new equity and profit.  For over 30 years, our Lead Investor has served in multiple professional roles as Lawyer, Real Estate Broker and Mortgage Broker, as licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Our Model is that of an entrepreneur, developer and operator delivering artful approaches and angles to identify and or create multiple opportunities within our domains of real estate and energy via utilizing an active, qualitative, concentrated approach in which we add value by being active, operational, and strategic via our external perspectives and inherent gap-filling capabilities that often times lead to the creation of new lines of revenue, adjacent to the primary revenue line.

From ideation to execution, we bring together multiple knowledge-based capabilities, specializing in identification, management and exploitation of both tangible and intangible assets thru various approaches to drive, create and realize true value many times designing via the process of reconstruction of various pieces of the development to re-constitute and re-build from the outside-in.

Recognizing and engaging with both tangible and intangible assets of know-how, including human intellect and human labor, is a crucial factor to enable development opportunities. We are non-conformist not for the sake of it, but rather, to deliver and execute real results.  This is the mantra of our style, with which we set the tone for development, investment and execution.

We are inherently anti-financial engineering.  Our abilities to deliver real, substantive financial initiatives utilize novel approaches of business combinations to trigger change in control that add new present value to the balance sheet of Joint Venture partners.  We create joint venture terms and conditions to engage accounting rules that deliver new, additional value to the balance sheets of the Joint Venturers.

We are driven by our quest for truth in uncovering opportunities and engaging in the design and delivery of solutions to transform our developments and investments for the benefit of all Joint Venturers. These qualitative contributions and outcomes are supply-side based, and rooted within the actual quality of time, rather than the usual blunt measurement of amount of time.

We seek to drive deals comprised of capital contributions and operational abilities, bolstered by instant insights from our multi-factor business methods, models and services applied within our capital contributions within the joint venture for developments and projects in real estate, construction, energy, renewables, software, technologies, manufacturing and finance, driving high-potential investments, entities and individuals.

A Proven Collaborative Strategy

Identifying and driving synergies between all Stakeholders, including joint venture partners, co-investors, customers and suppliers, whether established or new businesses, is paramount. Deconstruction-to-reconstruction within the team is yet another method used for ultimate realization of value. Our powerful injection of knowledge capital leads to true value creation that builds and unlocks value, while mitigating a multitude of defined and undefined risks, as we contribute and share know-how to drive performance and execution of developments and projects for the benefit of all Stakeholders.

We have diverse experience and expertise that allow our deployments of powerful strategic, tactical and operational capital to work hand-in-hand with joint venturers, operators, families, management, co-investors, suppliers and customers of both existing and new businesses, developments and projects seeking to drive better execution and performance.

In the world of all businesses, including family-bases, private and public, individuals with specific domain knowledge and know-how within those businesses are coupled with our external know-how and direct capital contributions, allowing for a dynamism of integrated skills and strong relationships, leading to the leveraging of know-how and experience for shared success and new value for all Stakeholders.

Active Advisors and Operators

 Real Value Creation

We drive real Value Creation by spawning a Culture that creates and shares the intellectual components of business and business design via a re-architecture of projects and businesses to then drive the building of such projects and businesses by a) the deconstruction of the business or project, and then b) the implementation of strategic and operational changes, re-building and improvement so as to deliver brand-new worth, which constitutes durable, sustained, competitive advantage for long-term value creation for the internal stakeholders, joint venturers, and most notably, for the end-user customers.

 A Culture of Doing

We deploy a hands-on approach, grounded upon a Culture of Doing, recognizing both reality and contribution, as we are driven by substance over process and a mastery of business and legal design and systems-based thinking, as implemented into operations, as we serve as active players and joint venture operators within established and new businesses, executing solutions within the various components of projects, developments and businesses.

Value Plus

At the heart of our value creation is the identification and re-deployment of all existing tangible and intangible assets.  We then inject “value plus” contributions of knowledge capital and monied capital, as we execute rigorous qualitative-quantitative and competitive-comparative analyses via critical thinking and multi-faceted domain knowledge applied through our independent, external eyes, so as to make both the individual and entity better.

Dynamic Solutions Mapped to Benefits

Real, dynamic, value-added cross-domain knowledge and know-how of entrepreneurial strategies, models, tactics, and operations are combined with innovative products/services-based solutions which are then mapped to specific, defined risks that are then mapped to the ensuing benefits of increased revenues, cost reductions, and higher valuations, as are then further mapped to qualitative elements of durable competitive advantage, to create exceptional returns.  The successful performance of businesses and investments is driven by the artful, multi-domain expertise of design/build/operate models with qualitative factors, coupled with the requisite edge and focus upon problem-solving and opportunity discovery, all driven by the independence of true, unencumbered thought diversity.



We engage in an honest humanity in our dealings with businesses, individuals, joint venturers and all stakeholders – this is consistent with our Culture. We engender and share strong relationships based upon trust, fairness and contribution, which then serves to create the structural underpinnings of the human relationships of the employers, employees and stakeholders within companies, projects and developments leading to out-sized results in both business and investment performance, driven first by the principles of strong, solid contributions within a novel, custom-built framework including joint venture to drive durable, competitive advantage for the sustainability of present and future businesses and individuals.

Due Diligence for Trust

Trust but verify, via qualitative and quantitative due diligence.  We look thru multiple prisms via multiple angles to recognize actual sight-lines, so as to gain true comprehension of our subject matter, individual, entity, project or development – only then do we apply our capital, experience and know-how, to make the individual, entity and asset better – for all Stakeholders.

The Shamon Family Office

Joseph J. Shamon, Jr., Esq. serves as Lead Investor of the Shamon Family Office, and has diverse, hands-on experience in global entrepreneurship and management, law, real estate, and renewable energy also including a horizontal breadth of multiple domains in public and private entities, developments and projects.

 Joseph J. Shamon, Investor Emeritus, In Memoriam: 10/17/26 – 4/25/20, he was born at the advent of the Great Depression, served in WWII, taken from us during the Pandemic.  In his honor, we shall invest capital in both select companies and select humans, always integrating our various forms of capital with his human qualities of Caring and Giving, along with his abilities as a self-made Investor and Businessman, to create shared success and real value for each and every stakeholder within each investment.

Richard J. Shamon is an Investor of equities and fixed income investments, known for tempering risk with solid income investment know-how, leading to strong results.

Determined to create better investment and operational outcomes, the Shamon Family Office was founded to identify, invest and drive the value of each investment and development thru research and dynamic interactions built upon the facets of multi-domain knowledge and experience, never loosing sight of what constitutes value in all contexts, by viewing unadulterated facts as reality, our sights are set upon actual, real opportunities. This is our personality, our persona.  It leads us to U.S. and global investments, with a dynamism of purpose to make the entity and the human better.

The Shamon Family Office undertakes a continuous search for values-based individuals, and  value-based projects, developments and entities, from private to family-based to venture-based to more mature operating businesses, assets and humans, we invest and deploy powerful forms of capital so as to build each investment into much more than merely its present state, via the diversity of human thought and the diversity of human talent.

It is our mantra of value creation – identify, invest and build for the good of all Stakeholders.